[sudo-announce] sudo 1.7.5 and 1.8.0 released

Todd C. Miller Todd.Miller at courtesan.com
Tue Mar 1 11:15:28 EST 2011

Sudo versions 1.7.5 and 1.8.0 are now available.

Sudo 1.8.0 implements a plugin architecture that allows third-party
policy and I/O logging modules to be used.  It includes a "sudoers"
plugin that provides the same security policy functionality present
in Sudo 1.7.5 (both LDAP and /etc/sudoers).

You can read more about Sudo 1.8.0 in the slides from my presentation
at SCALE 9x: http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/slides/Sudo_SCALE9x.pdf

The plugin API is described in detail in the sudo_plugin manual,
which is included in the sudo-1.8.0 source and packages and is
online at http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/sudo_plugin.man.html

As of this release, the Sudo 1.7.x branch is in maintenance mode.
It will still receive bug fixes but future development will happen
in the 1.8.x branch.


Binary packages:

For a list of download mirror sites, see:

Sudo web site:

Sudo web site mirrors:

Major changes between sudo 1.8.0 and 1.7.5:

 * Sudo has been refactored to use a modular framework that can
   support third-party policy and I/O logging plugins.  The default
   plugin is "sudoers" which provides the traditional sudo functionality.
   See the sudo_plugin manual for details on the plugin API and the
   sample in the plugins directory for a simple example.

Major changes between sudo 1.7.5 and 1.7.4p6:

 * When using visudo in check mode, a file named "-" may be used to
   check sudoers data on the standard input.

 * Sudo now only fetches shadow password entries when using the
   password database directly for authentication.

 * Password and group entries are now cached using the same key
   that was used to look them up.  This fixes a problem when looking
   up entries by name if the name in the retrieved entry does not
   match the name used to look it up.  This may happen on some systems
   that do case insensitive lookups or that truncate long names.

 * GCC will no longer display warnings on glibc systems that use
   the warn_unused_result attribute for write(2) and other system calls.

 * If a PAM account management module denies access, sudo now prints
   a more useful error message and stops trying to validate the user.

 * Fixed a potential hang on idle systems when the sudo-run process
   exits immediately.

 * Sudo now includes a copy of zlib that will be used on systems
   that do not have zlib installed.

 * The --with-umask-override configure flag has been added to enable
   the "umask_override" sudoers Defaults option at build time.

 * Sudo now unblocks all signals on startup to avoid problems caused
   by the parent process changing the default signal mask.

 * LDAP Sudoers entries may now specify a time period for which
   the entry is valid.  This requires an updated sudoers schema
   that includes the sudoNotBefore and sudoNotAfter attributes.
   Support for timed entries must be explicitly enabled in the
   ldap.conf file.  Based on changes from Andreas Mueller.

 * LDAP Sudoers entries may now specify a sudoOrder attribute that
   determines the order in which matching entries are applied.  The
   last matching entry is used, just like file-based sudoers.  This
   requires an updated sudoers schema that includes the sudOrder
   attribute.  Based on changes from Andreas Mueller.

 * When run as sudoedit, or when given the -e flag, sudo now treats
   command line arguments as pathnames.  This means that slashes
   in the sudoers file entry must explicitly match slashes in
   the command line arguments.  As a result, and entry such as:
	user ALL = sudoedit /etc/*
   will allow editing of /etc/motd but not /etc/security/default.

 * NETWORK_TIMEOUT is now an alias for BIND_TIMELIMIT in ldap.conf for
   compatibility with OpenLDAP configuration files.

 * The LDAP API TIMEOUT parameter is now honored in ldap.conf.

 * The I/O log directory may now be specified in the sudoers file.

 * Sudo will no longer refuse to run if the sudoers file is writable
   by root.

 * Sudo now performs command line escaping for "sudo -s" and "sudo -i"
   after validating the command so the sudoers entries do not need
   to include the backslashes.

 * Logging and email sending are now done in the locale specified
   by the "sudoers_locale" setting ("C" by default).  Email send by
   sudo now includes MIME headers when "sudoers_locale" is not "C".

 * The configure script has a new option, --disable-env-reset, to
   allow one to change the default for the sudoers Default setting
   "env_reset" at compile time.

 * When logging "sudo -l command", sudo will now prepend "list "
   to the command in the log line to distinguish between an
   actual command invocation in the logs.

 * Double-quoted group and user names may now include escaped double
   quotes as part of the name.  Previously this was a parse error.

 * Sudo once again restores the state of the signal handlers it
   modifies before executing the command.  This allows sudo to be
   used with the nohup command.

 * Resuming a suspended shell now works properly when I/O logging
   is not enabled (the I/O logging case was already correct).

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