[sudo-users] Request for feedback: regular expressions in sudoers

David.HICKS at rbs.com David.HICKS at rbs.com
Wed Dec 12 06:23:45 EST 2012

I'm really looking forward to this feature, its going to solve a *lot* of problems for me.

My vote is for option 2 because :

1. Allowing partial matches doesn't sound like a good thing to me (for a tool of this nature) and it's a little reminiscent of the problem with the current glob/fnmatch approach - too easy to unintentionally leave the pattern open to matching additional arguments.

Forcing the admin to define the whole command line should reduce the chance of this happening, but I guess it would still be possible with ^<regex>.*$ if you really wanted it?

2. Allowing multi-line matches doesn't sound like a great idea either for similar reasons, and I would argue that in those situations it is preferable to require users to write a script instead.

3. Hostname regex's - definitely useful (surely more so than multi-line regex's :) )

Also, I notice in your examples you use [A-Za-z0-9] instead of [:alnum:], are you intending to include support for the POSIX character classes? (figured it might help with locale support etc).

David Hicks

-----Original Message-----
From: sudo-users-bounces at courtesan.com [mailto:sudo-users-bounces at courtesan.com] On Behalf Of Todd C. Miller
Sent: 11 December 2012 18:19
To: sudo-users at sudo.ws
Subject: [sudo-users] Request for feedback: regular expressions in sudoers

I'm planning to include support for regular expression matching of
commands in the next sudo release.  This is something I've wanted
to do for over ten years.  Most likely this would use the pcre
library to support perl-compatible regular expressions.

One of the main stumbling blocks has been the matter of how to
specify the regex in the sudoers file.  There are two options I've
been thinking about, but perhaps you all come up with better ones.

Option 1:

    Precede the regular expression with an 'm' like perl does where
    the character after the 'm' is the quote character that begins
    and ends the expression.  E.g.

	millert ALL=ALL m:^/usr/bin/passwd [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$:,
	    !/usr/bin/passwd root

    This is flexible but more difficult to parse since we don't
    know what the quote character is until we start parsing.

Option 2:

    Require that regular expressions start with a ^ and end with a $

	millert ALL=ALL ^/usr/bin/passwd [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$,
	    !/usr/bin/passwd root

    In this case we forgo the quote character entirely and require
    that the expression be anchored with ^ and $.

Advantages of Option 1:

    o similar to perl's 'm' (match) operator.

    o can support partial matches (the ^ and $ are optional).

    o can support multiline matches (where ^ and $ match the end
      of the line, not the end of the expression); doesn't useful
      in practice.

Advantages of Option 2:

    o easier to parse; we know we are looking for a '$' to end the

    o potentially less error prone as all expressions require '^'
      and '$' anchors.

    o could conceivably use regex for hostnames; no ambiguity between
      m... and a hostname that begins with the letter m.


 - todd
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