restricting cp/mv in a folder

Ritesh Raj Joshi ritesh at
Wed Aug 9 03:44:11 EDT 2000

HI all!
Actually the following does work when I provide the full path to the file
when I use sudo and only does not work when I am inside /var/mail and try
to do it by mentioning only the file name as I am already in the working
My sudoers file:
Cmnd_Alias      COPY = /bin/cp /var/mail/[A-z]*
Cmnd_Alias      MOVE = /bin/mv /var/mail/[A-z]*

SUPPORT               ALL=(root) COPY, MOVE
Cmnd_Alias      COPY = /bin/cp /var/mail/*
Cmnd_Alias      MOVE = /bin/mv /var/mail/*

SUPPORT         ALL=(root) COPY, MOVE       
Any of the above work now.

Hence I see that one has to provide the full path to the file as mentioned
in the sudoers file.
The following does not work:( I was trying it this way )

$ sudo cp mail1 mail2 (sitting inside /var/mail where mail1 is 600 mode)

This works: ( how stupid of me that I did not try this before )

$ sudo cp /var/mail/mail1 /var/mail/mail2 (sitting anywhere)

Both holds true for mv as well.

So my question is:

Is it mandatory to provide the full path like above?.. I guess so now!

Any insights here ?



  |  r i t e s h   r a j   j o s h i
  |  system administrator
  |  hotline:240920

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