compiling sudo w/ afs support

Daniel Clark clark at
Fri Aug 25 11:19:19 EDT 2000


I've read the FAQ, INSTALL, and been to the web site.

I'm trying to compile sudo 1.6.3p5 with afs support. The docs indicate
that this "should" work with AFS 3.3. However we're running AFS 3.4a.
I've received an token by logging into afs w/ klog. I've found a path
that points to afs libs and includes.  I've used the --with-libpath and
--with-incpath to point to the respective directories.

I've also edited the Makefile  to point to the libpath and incpath

However I get the same error.

Unable to locate AFS libraries, you will have to edit the Makefile and
add -L/path/to/afs/libs to SUDO_LDFLAGS or rerun configure with the
--with-libpath options.
Unable to locate AFS include dir, you may have to edit the Makefile and
add -I/path/to/afs/includes to CPPFLAGS or rerun configure with the
--with-incpath options.


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