one day, sudo stopped asking...

Anderson Mills nodog at
Fri Mar 2 14:48:43 EST 2001

> Weird, that looks perfectly fine.  Can you send me the output
> of "sudo -V" run as root?

Ahah!  There it is... 

Users in this group are exempt from password and PATH requirements: 

I was added to the sudo group somehow.  
I removed myself and now I have to authenticate.  




lighthill:~$ su -
lighthill:~# sudo -V
Sudo version 1.6.2p2

Authentication methods: 'pam'
Syslog facility if syslog is being used for logging: authpriv
Syslog priority to use when user authenticates successfully: notice
Syslog priority to use when user authenticates unsuccessfully: alert
Send mail if the user is not in sudoers
Lecture user the first time they run sudo
Require users to authenticate by default
Root may run sudo
Allow some information gathering to give useful error messages
Require fully-qualified hsotnames in the sudoers file
Length at which to wrap log file lines (0 for no wrap): 80
Authentication timestamp timeout: 15 minutes
Password prompt timeout: 0 minutes
Number of tries to enter a password: 3
Umask to use or 0777 to use user's: 022
Path to mail program: /usr/sbin/sendmail
Flags for mail program: -t
Address to send mail to: root
Subject line for mail messages: *** SECURITY information for %h ***
Incorrect password message: Sorry, try again.
Path to authentication timestamp dir: /var/run/sudo
Users in this group are exempt from password and PATH requirements:
Default password prompt: Password:
Default user to run commands as: root
Value to override user's $PATH with:
When to require a password for 'list' pseudocommand: any
When to require a password for 'verify' pseudocommand: all
Default editor for visudo: /usr/bin/editor

lighthill:~# cat /etc/pam.d/sudo

auth    required 

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