How to bypass entering password using sudo su - oracle "-c /usr/l ocal/bin/test/whoisit.ksh"

Trinh, Khai-Vinh khaivinh.trinh at
Wed Feb 4 22:16:08 EST 2004

Hi all,

Please let me know how you would resolve the scenario below:

Sudoers set up:
User_Alias      SPGRP = app1
SPGRP   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su - oracle "-c

Scripting written on AIX 4.3.3:

                	line 1:  sudo -l
		line 2:  sudo /usr/bin/su - oracle "-c

Problem:  Script testit.ksh when executed, it prompted for the oracle


If I remove the "-c /usr/local/bin/test/whoisit.ksh" portion from the
suoders and script then I was able to su straight into the oracle shell.

Sudoers set up:
User_Alias      SPGRP = app1
SPGRP   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su - oracle

                	line 1:  sudo -l
		line 2:  sudo /usr/bin/su - oracle 

What I would like to do is to execute /usr/local/bin/test/whoisit.ksh in the
Oracle shell (as Oracle).

Your input is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!!!


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