[sudo-users] Giving access to one app for all users

Bob Proulx bob at proulx.com
Wed May 17 13:40:04 EDT 2006

Paul Thompson wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> >In the meantime, test sudo access using -l to list out what the user
> >can do.
> >  sudo -l
> >That should provide useful information.
>   Thank you for your reply.  I ran the sudo -l command, and here's  
> what I received back:
> Pirates-Cove:/etc root# sudo -l
> User paulthom may run the following commands on this host:
>     (ALL) ALL
>     (ALL) ALL
> Pirates-Cove:/etc root#

You are running as root.  In your sudoers file you gave root full
access to run all commands.  It is actually one of the default entries
and is typical and is generally what you want for root.

Try that again as the user you are trying to allow sudo access to.


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