[sudo-users] LDAP and TLS certificates

David Magda dmagda at ee.ryerson.ca
Tue Sep 25 09:15:06 MDT 2018

[Please CC as I am not subscribed. Not sure if this is for -users or


On my Debian 8 ("jessie") system, I had the following in
/etc/sudo-ldap.conf (which is a link to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf):

	TLS_CACERT	/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
	URI		ldap://some.IP/

I then changed the "ldap://" to "ldaps://" and got the following output
(debug level 2):

	sudo: ldap_sasl_bind_s(): Can't contact LDAP server

I tried going back to "ldap://" and using

	SSL start_tls

and got:

	sudo: ldap_start_tls_s(): Connect error

After some fiddling, I added:


and things worked.

So sudoers.ldap(8) [1] mentions TLS_CHECKPEER, but ldap.conf(5) [2]
mentions TLS_REQCERT; the OpenLDAP folks make no mention of the CHECKPEER
[3]. It is a bit confusing given that CHECKPEER seems to be a sudo-ism,
but since "SUDO" is not in the name, it gives the impression that it is an
"universal" option. Ditto for the "SSL", also a sudo-ism. Can a note be
added to each option in the manual page noting it as such?

In general, can sudo(8) check for the presence of "TLS_REQCERT", and if
its value is "never" or "allow", act as if "TLS_CHECKPEER" is "no"? (The
other options are "try" and "demand | hard"; see [2].)


[1] https://manpages.debian.org/jessie/sudo-ldap/sudoers.ldap.5.en.html
[2] https://manpages.debian.org/jessie/libldap-2.4-2/ldap.conf.5.en.html
[3] https://www.openldap.org/software/man.cgi?query=ldap.conf

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