[sudo-users] scripting sudo's digest functions

Thomas Harrison pjcp64 at cox.net
Tue Jun 25 15:11:03 MDT 2019

ML - I saw that chapter in your book but was concerned that patching could
cause issues if a binary changed.  Great book btw!

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019, 15:20 Michael W. Lucas <mwlucas at michaelwlucas.com>

> Hi,
> Sudo has a nifty digest-verification function, where it can check the
> cryptographic digest of a command before running it.
> At my last job I wrote a couple perl scripts to build
> platform-specific digest-checking sudoers files for all programs in
> system directories. I've cleaned them up some and added Linux
> support. They're not on github because once I do that other folks
> might find them, and I'm not convinced this is a good thing.  But I'd
> like some feedback, so I'm posting here.
> Code is at http://www-old.michaelwlucas.com/sudo/
> Usage:
> Set the directories you want to target at the top of $sudodigest.pl.
> # cd /etc/sudoers.d
> # sudodigest.pl > 00-digests
> # ids-sudoers.pl > 01-wheel
> # visudo -cf /etc/sudoers
> This creates platform-unique aliases for each command, and an
> EVERYTHING alias that includes all those aliases. There's also rules
> to let wheel and sudo groups run everything. But you can cut those out
> and do aliases like:
> Cmnd_Alias NOSHELL = EVERYTHING, !/bin/sh, !/bin/bash, !/bin/su
> %wheel ALL=NOSHELL
> EVERYTHING is an explicit list of programs in system directories, so
> it doesn't include user-created /tmp/sh.
> So: if you need sudo IDS, is this reasonable?
> ==ml
> --
> Michael W. Lucas        https://mwl.io/
> author of: Absolute OpenBSD, SSH Mastery, git commit murder,
> Immortal Clay, PGP & GPG, Absolute FreeBSD, etc, etc, etc...
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