[sudo-users] Adding support to sudo to open a file with elevated privileges

Piotr Dobrogost 2021 at p.dobrogost.net
Sat Sep 4 05:50:54 MDT 2021


People often run into a problem trying to redirect output of a command
being run with sudo to a file which is writable by the target user but
is not writable by the user running sudo:

sudo echo "something" > /etc/some_file

The suggested workaround – https://superuser.com/q/136646/664 (How to
append to a file as sudo?) – is to use tee:
echo "something" | sudo tee /etc/config_file > /dev/null

Would it make sense to add support to sudo for opening a file with
elevated privileges? This would avoid having to use an external
program for this basic functionality and would avoid having to
redirect standard output to /dev/null which is the case when using

Something along the lines of
echo "something" | sudo --out /etc/config_file

Best regards,
Piotr Dobrogost

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