yadu (Yet Another Disk Usage program) ...

Alek O. Komarnitsky (N-CSC) alek at ast.lmco.com
Thu Jun 7 23:46:24 EDT 2001

This is a bit off-topic for the sudo-workers Email list,
but since it is mostly Sysadmins on this list, I thought
I might mention a Perl program(s) I recently wrote that
has been quite useful to me and may also be to you.

The "README" for yadu is attached below and you can find it at:
There's a fair number of options - turns out when you get into
filesystem analysis, there's a lot of "interesting/corner" cases
one becomes aware of and so therefore has to handle.


Yadu is Yet Another Disk Usage program and is a simple/quick-n-dirty tool to 
parse directory(s) and determine how many files and byte are being used 
sliced-n-diced various ways. This turns out to be kinda useful - some questions
that yadu can be used to easily/quickly answer are:
   - Are there any files out there owned by users that no longer exist?
   - Which files are really BIG and account for most of the disk usage?
   - Which files have not been access/modified in a LONG time?
   - What percentage of the disk space is .mp3's, .ppt's, etc.?
   - Are there any setUID files out there?
   - I need some data for generic disk management reporting.
        yadu generates columner data that is easily importable.

yadu uses the stat command to generate sorted output in categories such as:
   atime - last time file accessed
   ctime - last time inode changed
   mtime - last time file modified
   size - Breakdown by size groupings
   user - uid/owner of files
   group - gid/group of files
   Extension (i.e. how many bytes/files by .doc, .tar, etc.)
   List SetUID Files (might as well do this security check)
   List SetGID Files (ditto)
And more!   ;-) 

Note that yadu DOES run on Windoze, although not all of the information
is available (specifically the user/group details). I'd love to have
someone who really know Perl on NT submit some code to get this data.

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